Otto Zingg


Create polygon meshes within Blender 2.73, make BSDF materials and the light setup. Finally render your scene to an image with the new Cycles Render.

3D Blender Vertex Mesh BSDF Material Render Cycles Render Blender 2.73

Create polygon meshes within Blender 2.73 and make fur hair particles and the light setup. Finally render your scene to an image with the new Cycles Render.

3D Blender Vertex Material Hair Particles Mesh Render Cycles Render Blender 2.73

Rigid body simulation with spheres in Cinema4D in release 15. In physics, a rigid body is an idealization of a solid body in which deformation is neglected.

MoGraph mograph CINEMA4D Release 15 Simulation Tag Rigid body Collision Physics 3D

Quick and fast 3D modelling in Cinema4D with the new bevel tools in release 15.

Bevel CINEMA4D Release 15 Modelling Vertex Mesh Meshes c4d 3D